How can I pay with my voucher or discount code?


To pay using a voucher or discount code for your trip, this must be applied at the time of booking by one of our Travel Experts.

Booking with a Travel Expert: You can request that your Travel Expert applies the voucher or discount code from your Wallet to your booking at the time of reservation.

Online Payment: If you are making a booking online, please contact us to request that we apply your voucher or discount code from your Wallet as the form of payment.

Please keep in mind that each promotion and voucher may have different conditions and requirements for use. To understand these conditions, you can refer to the notification email you received or visit the Exoticca Wallet section of your account. There, you'll find detailed information about each Promotion and Voucher.

Please call and speak with one of our Travel Experts who will be delighted to assist you.

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See also

Why has my payment been declined?
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